Thursday, May 10, 2018

Trillium Permutation 32: Double IPA with Galaxy

The Stats
Style: Imperial IPA
ABV: 9.2%
Current Ratings...
- Untappd: 4.48/5
- Beer Advocate: 4.57/5
- RateBeer: 3.53/5

"Permutation Series #32 beckons with a powerful pineapple, melon, and orange creamsicle nose. A cantaloupe and pithy grapefruit palate with soft bitterness is complemented by a pillowy, full mouthfeel."

Pours out slightly dark orange in color with a murky body and a finger of white head.

I get a lot of ripe stone fruit on the aroma, but it has its fair share of dank hop bitterness and a small kick of sweetness.

The taste is creamy peach puree up front and then dank bitterness on the back end. It opens with big stone fruits like the aroma with the aforementioned peaches contributing the most. The middle of the mouth picks up almost a piney sensation, but not too big. That goes away immediately as a flood of oranges and even mango converge at the apex, but again, the back half belongs to pure hop bitterness and hop juice. That is until another rush of peaches and even a little bit of creamy orange sherbet sneak in to add to the complexity. A honey sweetness creeps in as well to ease up on the thud of bitterness being put out. That honey flavor really lingers in the aftertaste too.

Mouthfeel is full and creamy. At almost 10%, this drinks so easy and the body doesn't weigh the palate down at all.

Permutation 32 was a great display of Galaxy hops. It definitely felt like the big beer that it was and the amount of hops and sweeter flavors made for a complex brew.  I can see how it might be a bit sweet for some, especially near the end, but I enjoyed how it all came together.


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